
Description and conversion results of color #4a9b8a

It is a pastel cyan color having an approximate luminance of 59%. It has a hue value of 167° indicating that this is a cold color.


Some of the most similar colors to this color are Polished Pine, Zomp, Persian Green, Illuminating Emerald, Paolo Veronese Green, Keppel, Green Sheen, Wintergreen Dream, Jungle Green and Viridian Green. A bit below you will find the most similar RAL, Pantone and Sherwin-Williams colors too.

Conversion results

The following list contains the conversion results of color #4a9b8a to rgb, hexadecimal, hsl, hsv, lab and xyz colorspaces. Each format represents the same color.

rgb (74, 155, 138) #4a9b8a hsl (167.4, 35.4%, 44.9%) hsv (167.4, 52.3%, 60.8%) lab (58.7, -29.1, 1.4) xyz (19.1, 26.7, 28.2)

The rgb, hexadecimal and hsl values can be used in webpages to define the colors of different objects. You can select a value easily by clicking on it.

Visit MyPerfectColor.com for exact match paint color solutions by clicking the banner below.

Similar RAL, Pantone and Sherwin-Williams colors

In real life paints might have a different shade compared to as they appear on your display. You shall always consult and double-check colors with a professional paint provider before you order.

The following table contains the nearest matching standard colors.

The left side contains the reference color, while the right side shows the matched color. For each item there is a link to our partner MyPerfectColor.com, where you can buy corresponding paints.

   Pantone 2241 CBUY PAINT >>
   Pantone 16-5721 TPGBUY PAINT >>
   Pantone 2243 UBUY PAINT >>
   RAL 730-6BUY PAINT >>
   RAL 740-4BUY PAINT >>
   RAL D2 180 50 45BUY PAINT >>
   Sherwin-Williams 6753BUY PAINT >>
   Sherwin-Williams 6760BUY PAINT >>
   Sherwin-Williams 6761BUY PAINT >>

Tints, shades and tones

Tints, shades and tones are generated from the base color by adding white, black and gray paint to #4a9b8a respectively. The process results a harmonic color scale.

You can open any color on a new page by clicking on the desired color.


These are the color variants which are generated by adding white color to the base color. This process results a scale from a pastel cyan color to white. The coldness of the color remains the same as it gets brigther and brighter.

This color scale contains similar colors to Green Sheen, Polished Pine, Keppel, Verdigris, Opal, Cambridge Blue, Middle Blue Green, Turquoise Green, Aero Blue, Powder Blue, Crystal, Mint Cream, Azure (X11/web Color), Cultured and Platinum.


These are the color variants which are generated by adding black color to the base color. This process results a scale from a pastel cyan color to black. The coldness of the color remains the same as it gets darker and darker.

This color scale contains similar colors to Hooker's Green, Myrtle Green, Pine Green, Tropical Rainforest, English Green, Brunswick Green, Dark Slate Gray, MSU Green, Dark Jungle Green, Phthalo Green, Outer Space (Crayola), Charleston Green, Eerie Black and Rich Black (FOGRA29).


These are the color variants which are generated by adding gray color to the base color. This process results a scale from a pastel cyan color to gray. The coldness of the color remains the same as it gets grayer and grayer.

This color scale contains similar colors to Polished Pine, Wintergreen Dream, Cadet Blue, Green Sheen, Steel Teal, Xanadu, Morning Blue, Old Silver, Battleship Grey, Spanish Gray and Gray (Web).

Color schemes and palettes

Color schemes represent a set of colors creating a harmonic and aesthetic feeling. Color schemes are generated by choosing colors around the color wheel.

We can talk about monochromatic, complementary, triadic and tetradic color schemes, choosing one, two, three or four colors around the color wheel respectively.

In the following tables these color schemes are present.


The monochromatic scale is generated by choosing colors on the color wheel near to the base color. As the colors of the monochromatic scale are close to each other, they create a harmonic feeling.

This color scale contains cold colors. There are variants of green and cyan colors in the above items, which contain similar colors to Forest Green (Traditional), UP Forest Green, Dark Sea Green, Eton Blue, Blue-green (color Wheel), English Green, Green Sheen, Keppel, Midnight Green (Eagle Green), Deep Jungle Green, Maximum Blue Green and Verdigris.


The complementary scale is generated by choosing the color on the opposite side on the color wheel relative to the base color. This results in slight vibrating tension between the complementary colors.

This color scale contains cold and warm colors. There are variants of cyan and rose colors in the above items, which contain similar colors to Viridian, Celadon Green, Old Mauve, Wine Dregs, Charm Pink and Amaranth Pink.


The triadic scale is generated by choosing two colors on the color wheel relative to the base color. This combines the slight vibrating tension and the harmonic feeling between the triadic colors.

This color scale contains cold and warm colors. There are variants of cyan, orange and blue colors in the above items, which contain similar colors to Viridian, Celadon Green, Kobicha, Dark Brown, Antique Brass, Tumbleweed, Purple Navy, Cyber Grape, Blue Bell and Maximum Blue Purple.


The tetradic scale is generated by choosing three colors on the color wheel relative to the base color. This combination covers the whole color wheel containing both the complementary and harmonic colors of the base color.

This color scale contains cold and warm colors. There are variants of cyan, azure, rose and orange colors in the above items, which contain similar colors to Viridian, Celadon Green, Indigo Dye, USAFA Blue, Iceberg, French Sky Blue, Old Mauve, Wine Dregs, Charm Pink, Amaranth Pink, Field Drab, Pullman Brown (UPS Brown), Light French Beige and Sand.

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